Friday, May 4, 2012

I Affirm Me

Jesus came that we may have life and have life abundantly. Affirming my presence in the world I live in is what my Master has taught me. As I reach out to others, I find myself growing in the grace of a loving God.

Following are pertinent affirmations:

I have the courage to dare to be myself.
Good things are coming into my life.
My inner beauty is emerging.
I believe in me.
I trust myself and celebrate my life journey.
My life has meaning and purpose.
I am lovable and capable.
I respect myself and others.
I feel good about myself.
When I'm alone, I'm in good company.
I am the best I can be at this moment.
I honor my needs, my wants, my values.
My dreams are alive and becoming my reality.
I deserve a good life.
My thoughts are important.
I feel fully alive today.
I trust myself.
I know God loves me and plans before me in love.
I speak, listen and think with love.
I can laugh at myself as I enjoy not taking life so seriously.
I rejoice in my own laughter.
Laughter and smiles come easily to me.
I am a friend to myself.
Today I will put aside ten minutes for me.
I give myself permission to enjoy life.
I open my heart to my Inner Child.
I enjoy life and find fun in everyday events.
I learn to use leisure and to enjoy my free time.
I meet life's challenges optimistically.
I take loving responsibility for my own life.
I acknowledge my needs and feel free to make them known.
I take my place on this earth with pride and dignity.
I am alive and open to my world.
All that I am is beautiful; I celebrate myself.
I feast at the banquet of life.

I hope you will see yourself worthy of these affirmations.